It’s actually September 9th as I write this but it’s a post I’ve been planning since the beginning of the year. In fact, I could have written this on January 20th (and indeed, that’s when I thought of it) but I waited. I wanted to see how things would unfold during this remarkably historic period in US politics. Everything developed in such a contrived manner that it really is impossible to conceive how the Republican Party can avoid extinction. The absolute, inarguable, final nail-in-the-coffin for the GOP will occur on September 11, 2009. I’m jumping the gun a bit but I feel fully confident that on that day it will be proved beyond any doubt (reasonable or otherwise) that Republicans are far inferior to Democrats when it comes to defending the country, and isn’t that what it’s all about?
On this day, eight years ago, terrorists were putting the finishing touches on the greatest attack on American soil in history. On this day, eight years ago, the Republican lead administration was totally oblivious to one of their major responsibilities…protecting the citizens. There’s no doubt whatsoever that they failed miserably to protect us. In those first months of a Republican administration 2,993 people were murdered. Comparatively, on September 11, 2009 no such slaughter has occurred under a Democrat administration. Using the rationale Republicans have campaigned on during the last two elections they are failures. By their own “reason” and “logic” they are far worse then the current administration when it comes to one of their fundamental principles, protecting the US. The resulting campaigns launched due to Republican negligence has created an even bigger body count. We’re now embroiled in Iraq and Afghanistan due to their total incompetence. I won’t bother with death counts as of the end of the Bush administration versus the current administration since I’m not pretending to be a prophet. I suppose that aspect could go either way.
My point here is in no way to trivialize what happened eight years ago. Rather, it’s to mock and shame every single (without any exception at all) politicians. Every one of the evil bastards fed on the fears of the American public to keep their job. Not a single one had the courage or honesty to step forward and declare that the government had totally failed in one of their major responsibilities. Now, on September 9, 2009, every single one of the weasels are totally ignoring the most important issue of our time and are totally abdicating their responsibilities in order to just keep their jobs. Sure, without a doubt, a bunch of these sub-human scumbags will make a speech, lay a wreath or two, and make meaningless vows in memory of the disaster they allowed. And you’ll be more then happy to buy in to it.
Facts are facts (sorry to have to be this blunt) but every one of you idiots that voted for failed policies are the ones who are 100% responsible. You’re not only responsible for 9/11, you’re responsible for the current Bush Depression, you’re responsible for the sorry state of health care, you’re responsible for the $11,000,000,000,000 national debt, and you’re responsible for every single problem we will be facing in the coming years. That’s because you simply vote over and over again for the exact same people that have been ruining this country for decades. You want your guy or party to win so badly that you’ve ruined my life, your life, and the lives of your children and/or grandchildren because you’re too stupid to think for yourself. The irrefutable logic goes like this:
1) Since it’s the anniversary of 9/11 I’ll start there. You voted back in to office the very same person who presided over the disaster. Being a reasonable, rational person, I can’t even begin to understand the rationale there. I really can’t. I’m going to try and imagine the thought process that went in the mind of some one pulling the lever to re-elect George Bush. I suppose it went something like this: Let’s see…who should I vote for? They guy that was in charge when terrorists attacked us and started an irrelevant war in the meantime, or John Kerry, who actually served in the military, actually “defended” this country, and didn’t allow thousands of Americans to be massacred? Hmmmm, I’ll go with my party since Democrats are total evil or, worse yet, LIBERALS! Yeah, that will make the country better! That’s the only “thinking” I can come up with.
2) Let’s disregard the whole 9/11 thing for the moment. With the national debt at around $9,000,000,000,000 and social security in a state of collapse, did you think for an instant that the very same people who had four years to address those issues would actually do something in the next four years? Nobody bothered to address the national debt since 99% of the voting public have no idea what it is, but social security was, at the time, a major issue and the only solution was a stupid proposition to “privatize” it. In hindsight it was an overtly moronic proposal but, even at the time it was incredibly stupid. If that would really work, why would we need social security in the first place? Think about it…and if you can’t wrap your brain around that then you’re hopeless.
3) But, this is about 9/11 and lying, useless politicians. The number one reason either party should have been in office (by their own philosophy) is to protect the US. They simply don’t. They haven’t physically, they haven’t financially. And nobody is doing anything any different now. But, I admit, I could be wrong here. Unlike your favorite politician I haven’t bothered checking the polls lately. Frankly, I don’t care what the “majority” of ignorant morons think. Most people don’t care about another terrorist attack since they have financial concerns (like they had on September 10, 2001). Today, the number one concern is health care or employment or some other garbage. There will be a lot of “wailing and gnashing of teeth” come 9/11 but it won’t mean a thing.
We’re screwed because the people you consistently vote for don’t care about anything other then keeping their jobs. They will prey upon your fears and concerns (according to the latest polling numbers) so they can continue to enjoy decent salaries, great benefits, and any perk they can get. But they’re part of your party so you’ll continue to support and pay them. Good for you. And thanks from the majority of people you are now screwing and the future generations you are hurting. You simply have proven you don’t really care about anything but yourself. Maybe you should run for office. .
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
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