Monday, December 6, 2010


The only issue anybody cares about lately is if the Bush tax cuts for the rich will be extended. AS can clearly and indisputably be seen the Republicans are totally supportive of giving a break to the exact same people totally responsible for our current economic conditions (including the new record unemployment) and there seems to be some question as to what the right thing is. In order to make perfectly clear how stupid the whole situation is, I will make it so easy to understand that even a Teabagger can get it:

1)Whatever their purpose, the Bush tax cuts did not work. It's perfectly clear since we are currently experiencing the worst economy since the Great Depression. Whatever anybody had thought would happen I'm pretty sure no sane person figured on our economy collapsing. More then ever, we need more revenue going to our government. Plain and simple fact. You may not like some of the policies in place (i.e. health care), you may not agree with the massive additional debt we've incurred (i.e. the war in Iraq), but facts are facts. All that money has to come from somebody. Why not the wealthiest that pay less in taxes then you do?
2)The Republicans have offered a compromise. They are willing to extend unemployment benefits to the people who lost their jobs in return for tax cuts for the people directly responsible for the job losses in the hopes of creating new jobs despite the fact that hasn't happened while the proposed tax cuts have been in place.
3)The Democrats, of course, could simply do the right thing and allow the tax cuts to lapse. But then taxes would go up for every one and the Republicans would characterize that as a tax increase on everybody, regardless of how slight that would be for 98% of the population. The fact is, if the current tax cuts lapsed the average person still working would hardly notice a difference. In fact, when the laughable cuts were instituted for the average citizen there was collective laughter at how insignificant they were.
4)Instead, there will be a compromise. The Republicans will get a tax cut for their friends and primary donors and unemployment benefits will be extended to those who are out of work because of the previous policies of the last Republican administration. So, despite their objection of refusing to extend unemployment benefits unless there was a way to pay for them, Republicans will allow the extension while eliminating the most obvious way to pay for them.

The Bush tax cuts have clearly been demonstrated to be a very bad idea. Now I'll be the first to admit there is no definitive correlation between the Bush tax cuts and the current economy that's worse then anything since the Great Depression. On the other hand, they plainly didn't help. Absolutely no one can point to the cuts and in any way show that any benefit has been derived from them. The only thing any one can say to defend the cuts is the tired old excuse that things would be worse if they weren't in place. In that case, the economic stimulus plan is a raging success! You can't have it both ways.

Undoubtedly the Republicans are lying scum. All their claims about “fiscal responsibility” are now totally proven to be lies. They really don't care. They have proclaimed, with no doubt about it, that they would rather cater to their supporters then look out for the best interests of the country. Essentially, if they ever meant a word they said, they have completely and 100% sold out. There is no doubt about that.

On the other side, the Democrats have perfectly defined themselves as totally inept at handling the responsibilities they were given. They are, quite clearly, simply scrambling to keep their jobs. They are pathetic. And stupid. By agreeing to extend the tax cuts and giving control to the minority Republicans they have forever stamped themselves as cowards. Why vote for some one who doesn't have the brains or integrity to do the right thing?

Now for the most decisive proof anyone (I'm looking at you Teabaggers) could ever want:

(The numbers here are estimates. However, they are not based on lies and are more accurate then anything any so-called expert could ever come up with).

There are approximately 130,000,000 working Americans, though that number will most likely continue to drop over the coming months. Approximately 98% of them make less then $250,000 a year. That means 127,400,000 make less then that. So, since I own the marvelous tool known as a calculator that no member of Congress seems to own or knows how to operate, that means 2,600,000 Americans fall in to the $250,000 category. Instead of making convoluted changes in the taxes laws let's keep everything the same as it is now. Yeah, the Republicans win. Now let's add a flat $2 a week tax to everybody earning less then $250,000/year. That would generate an annual $13,249,600,000. Now let's charge everybody earning over $250,000 an extra 10 bucks a week. That comes out to $1,352,000,000 a year. Add 'em up. That's over $14,000,000,000 a year in additional revenue that none of the effected would actually notice.

Now that's a very clear, very reasonable way to increase much needed revenue with very little thought (Hey!!! I may have a career in politics forming!). By designing a graduated method of charging that flat rate, it would be an easy and painless way to more then double the generated revenue I've proposed here.

Of course, that was the whole idea when the current tax system was first implemented. Eliminate deductions, charge flat rates based on income, and the government will be flush with money. I can't take credit for this insight-fullness that borders on pure genius since it has been proposed a number of times by some of the wealthiest people in the country (and the world). Why anybody would be stupid enough to ignore them is beyond me. Not subscribing to that notion is so idiotic that I simply can't shut my brain down enough to even begin the thinking of anybody opposed to the idea. I can certainly grasp why the majority of corrupt and irresponsible politicians don't pursue the idea, but I really can't begin to understand why 99% of the population isn't clamoring for that change.

I'm the last guy to say the government doesn't waste money. I'm the last guy to say that any member of Congress isn't more interested in retaining their job then do the best thing for America. I'm the last guy to say Congress will ever do the right thing. But I'm the very first guy to say that every responsible American needs to support massive tax reform and needs to stop blindly following some “pundit” on TV or the radio who is exclusively looking out for their own best interests.

As always, I welcome any one to try and dispute the overwhelming facts I've presented here. Feel free to embarrass yourself by attempting to dispute the logic and reason here. I'm actually looking forward to humiliating you.