(“If you get four economists together and ask their views on the economy you’ll end up with five different opinions.”-I didn’t make that up, I heard it some where and paraphrased, but it’s one of the most accurate statements you’ll ever read.)
The stock market closed today at 6,926.49, or up about 5.8% and investors are relieved and economists and news pundits are beginning to look even more foolish and ignorant then ever. All the talking heads on television and every other media outlet are now epitomizing how useless and, let’s face it, stupid they are. The “dramatic” increase in the Dow Jones today means absolutely nothing. It means absolutely nothing at all. It signifies nothing. And you have to be completely oblivious to reality to think otherwise. Attempting to read any significance in to this one day only event should be ample cause for ridicule and humiliation for any person idiotic enough to try and do so.
What I’m really trying to say here is the obvious: ever since the on set on the Bush Depression every supposed economic expert has said nothing of significance or consequence. None of them has done any better then say,” the economy is tanking, things will get worse before they get better” and the exact same blathering the guy sitting at the bar two stools down from you has been moaning on and on about all night.
The very same self-proclaimed and/or anointed experts simply don’t know what they’re talking about. And now, I will boldly proclaim that I know more about the current economy then any of them and I will prove it. Here’s a fact concerning the recent rise in the stock market that not one of these morons has observed: the 5.8% increase in the Dow Jones means absolutely nothing to the millions of Americans who have already lost over half their money in their various retirement accounts. It will have zero effect. None. Nobody will get any benefit at all from this increase. And, if tomorrow the market once again “jumps” another 300 or so points, it will have no impact whatsoever on those very same people or 99% of the American public, for that matter. The previous statement now demonstrates my clear superiority on the current situation since it is the only conclusion that can be drawn.
Any one attempting to read any more in to one day’s activity is an idiot. And, while I’m at it, not one of these “experts” saw any of this coming. They all took a beating, probably not as bad as the people they advise and make money off of, but they got hammered, too. So where’s the expertise? Obviously, there isn’t any. And is there a point to ridiculing and shaming all these “experts”? Besides being fun and proving my superiority? Of course there is.
You now have all the proof you need to know that these blowhards are useless. They have nothing concrete or intelligent to say. It is a fact. Therefore, one any one of these incompetents opens their mouth and starts farting with it to “evaluate” the current stimulus package, you now know enough not to listen to them. They simply don’t know what they are talking about.
I make no bones about it. I want the President’s stimulus plan to succeed. Since I’m not a Republican and there’s no advantage in it for me if the country fails, I’d really like to see things get better. Frankly, I know there’s much better ways to inject nearly $1,000,000,000,000 in to the system to rapidly improve things. My plan would actually work but this isn’t the time or place for it (a rough outline of the solution to the Bush Depression is here). But, then again, I’m not foolish enough to detract from the current attempt this early in the game. Just like I’m not stupid enough to find anything significant about today’s stock market rise.
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