Sunday, August 2, 2009


As I pointed out well before any one else, there will be no meaningful health care reform. Forget “meaningful”…there will be no health care reform. There will eventually be some form of mock health care legislation passed that will be trumpeted as “reform” but nothing will change. The more cynical among us will attribute the failure to the usual politicizing of the issue or be even more accurate by attributing the failing to the usual greed and corruption running rampant in Washington. The trillion dollar a year health care industry has too many palms to grease, too many “donors” to satisfy and too many special interests to placate. Couple that with the almost total ignorance of the general population and what ever measures are passed will be insignificant since no one will really know the difference. But, as usual I understand the real reason things will only get worse regardless of what pitiful changes emerge from the health care debacle.

There isn’t anybody smart enough or committed enough to propose a real plan. Either party coming away from the health care debate without having formulated and enacted a real solution will be proving beyond any doubt that are totally ineffective and useless as leaders. Of course the Democrats will be the biggest losers since they brought the critical issue up in the first place and actually pursued it. But they were too stupid to design a program that could be easily understood and implemented. Nobody even knows what the basic components of their “plan” is.

Taking much less heat will be the Republicans who have made no attempt to have a plan and spent all their time and energy stonewalling any potential improvements. They lose big time if anything substantial happens but that would in no way benefit them. In fact, it’s in their best interest if no plan is implemented. Any meaningful health care reform would only benefit the other party and maybe the country. But that isn’t their goal. They’ve made it their goal to lie about the costs and scare people about the possible consequences in order to be able to point to the failure of the current administration in hope of getting their jobs back.

Both parties suck at what they are being over-paid to do. Democrats achieved control because the previous Republican administration demonstrated clearly they were either too corrupt or too incompetent to run the country (take your pick). Democrats won control because of the ineptitude of the past administration and the promise to change things which they simply haven’t done. The coming failure of health care reform will be ample proof of that.

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