Monday, March 19, 2012

Faster Response Then I Anticipated

True to form (though a bit faster then I anticipated) the right-wing is already trying to hide the truth by trying to deflect attention from the point I made in my previous post. Right now, as I write this, Rush Limbaugh (whose staff has apparently been closely monitoring this blog) has rolled out some insignificant article he scrounged from the Washington Post purporting to portray the president as an obstructionist when debate over raising the debt ceiling was in full play. As always his observations are laughable but his pitiful attempt at obfuscation highlights more then a few elements of his consistent hypocrisy:

1) He's referencing the Washington Post! The unreliable, state run media organ. A source he continuously derides and criticizes. While I don't share his view of the 'liberal media" it is hypocritical for him to reference them. In fact, it is more proof that Rush only chooses to comment on stories that can be spun to buoy his beliefs.
2) I tried finding the article he was talking about, but I couldn't. Admittedly, I had a limited amount of time to do so but, it just wasn't any kind of major story and, judging by Rush's own comments, deservedly so.
3) While trying to steer people away from the the very significant point I made Rush has actually accentuated just how accurate I am. He simply can't address or deal with the facts exposed. Go ahead, re-read my last post. No way he can challenge me so he has to try and change the subject.

While I didn't think my insightful observation was all that significant it is clear that Conservatives/Republicans are more then anxious to keep anyone from thinking too much about how Republicans worked to keep the country down. Not mention additional proof that the Bush-Reagan tax cuts for the rich were detrimental to America.

Thanks Rush for once again proving how right I am.

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