Sunday, March 18, 2012

I'm Back

With the presidential race looming I realized it's time for somebody to start telling the truth. While Republicans are rejoicing that the price of gas is rising and they can whole-heartily lie about how they can change that, they will also be deflecting attention from the rising National Debt they are 100% responsible for. My information comes from the most unlikely source...Fox News.

As equally surprising as getting some truth from Fox is their employment of Shepard Smith. This guy is actually a journalist who asks real questions and has a great deal of insight. I just can't imagine how he fits in to the Fox format.

The clip below is an interview Shep had with an "expert" regarding the then critical vote on raising the debt ceiling back in August. Don't just notice that the "expert" was dead wrong about the effect of the downgrade America got from S&P, but also try and notice how the two of them agreed on one very salient point:

The video was accompanied by an article that sort of boiled down the essence while avoiding the biggest point made in the interview. "...had they not extended the Bush era tax cuts...we'd be two (trillion) dollars better off then we are...". There was no disagreement on that by the guest. (Note: Shep actually said "two million dollars ahead" but he mis-spoke. The universal view is that the tax cuts cost the economy some $2,000,000,000,000 and Shep is smart enough to know that).

I certainly don't want Shep to lose his job over this but there it is, on Fox News of all places, that by forcing the president to extend the cuts that have obviously created no jobs we were forced by the Republicans to once again increase our debt despite what everyone at the time prophesied would be disastrous.

Now I know that too many people will view this as old news since the disscussion did take place last year, but the facts are the facts. I imagine shortly after I post this the link will be taken down but that will only help to prove my point.

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